Friends of Grain Elevators

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 11 "Consolidated"

Image Gallery

elevator with railroad in front

A view of the two units of Pool 11. The left-hand side is made of reinforced concrete, and the right-hand side is made of tile. The faded sign from when the elevator was "Fort William Elevator Company Ltd. E" is still visible on the workhouses.

railroad leading up to elevator

A view of Pool 11 from the rail tracks. The annex of this tile unit is painted yellow, but was once the same dark reddish-brown as the workhouse. The two units could weigh, clean, and store grain separately, but they shared a car shed.

black and white photo of elevator from the port

A full view of the concrete unit of Consolidated taken from the river looking upstream. Fort William Elevator is visible upstream to the left.

black and white photo from the port - far away shot

A full view of Consolidated Elevator taken from the river looking downstream towards the lake.

overhead image of elevator

A full side view of Pool 11 taken from the air looking towards Lake Superior. The busy CPR rail yard is visible to the left.

elevator in the winter with some snow and slightly icy port

A winter scene of Pool 11 taken from the river. The two units are very distinct from this angle.


A fire insurance map for Consolidated Elevator made by the Goad Insurance Company in January 1911.


An engineering plan of Fort William Elevator E made by CD Howe Company.

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