Grain Elevators
Huge rail shipments of grain from industrious western Canadian farmers quickly led to a need for large storage facilities at the Lakehead. In short order, flat warehouses gave way to wooden terminal elevators, the first one opening for business in 1884, in Port Arthur. The next 40 years saw an explosion of terminal construction along both the Port Arthur and Fort William waterfronts. This page contains information regarding each elevator. It is divided into the three general sections of the waterfront--North End, Intercity and South End.

North End Elevators
Port Arthur's first elevator, the first at the Lakehead was built in 1883 in this area. It was joined over the years by 6 others. Two operate today.

Intercity Elevators
Between 1909 and 1928, terminals rose on this stretch of the waterfront. Most still remain, but only 3 are currently operating.

South End Elevators
Fort William's world-famous grain port developed on the Kam River where 18 terminals were built between 1884 and 1930.

Richardson Main
Port Arthur's first elevator, the first at the Lakehead was built in 1883 in this area. It was joined over the years by 6 others. Two operate today.
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