Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 5
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A full view of Western Terminal and Western Grain G before they combined to form the new Western Grain Company. The inshore "G" unit was its own hospital elevator in the first years of its operations. Photo from the Paterson archives.

A side view of the Western Terminal elevator. The three workhouses and three annexes that comprised Western Terminal are on the right, and the workhouse and annex that comprised the Western Grain G hospital elevator is on the left. The long gallery running the length of Western Terminal gave the inshore G elevator river access.

A full view of Western Terminal with its new name, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 5. The elevator's 3 distinct workhouses are visible on the main structure. The riverside workhouse of Western Grain By-Products is visible in behind. The tile annex of Consolidated elevator is visible in the righthand background.

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 5 with two annexes demolished, offering an exceptional angle of the structure's three distinct workhouse units.

A view of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 5 taken from Gore Street. The hospital elevator is the unit in front on the right, and the original terminal units are in behind.

A fire insurance map of Western Terminal's first elevator unit. Made by Goad Insurance Company in January 1911.

A view of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 5 and Fort William Elevator (behind) taken from the CPR rail yard. Photo by Walter Zarowski.