Alberta Pool 9
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A full view of Alberta Pool 9 taken from shore. The Essex Trader is docked in the slip.

Alberta Pool 9's concrete workhouse and annexes to the left. A ship with an assisting tug is docked at Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 4 to the right.

An early photo of Alberta Pool 9 when it was called Union Terminal.

A view between Alberta Pool 9's newest annex (left) and workhouse (right). A connecting gallery runs between the two structures.

A long view of Alberta Pool 9 taken from out on the lake. The inshore annex on the right is in the process of being demolished.

A closer view of Alberta Pool 9's inshore annex being demolished. A crane and wrecking ball were used to tear down this elevator. The UGG A carshed and outshore annex are visible to the left.

A view of the wrecking ball in action demolishing Alberta Pool 9's last annex. The still active Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 4A is visible in the background with a ship in the shared slip. Ships would encounter debris in this slip for years later, and extra work had to be performed to clear the lake bottom.

Another view of the wrecking ball demolishing the Alberta Pool 9 annexes, leaving the concrete workhouse for last.

Alberta Pool 9's workhouse awaiting demolition among the rubble of its annexes. Richardson Current River/UGG A (background left) would later build a pellet plant on the Pool 9 site.

A photo taken from Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 4A of the James Whalen breaking ice in the shared Pool 4A and Alberta Pool 9 slip. Pool 9's outshore annexes visible. Photo taken circa 1920.

Alberta Pool 9's workhouse in the final stages of demolition by wrecking ball. UGG A/Richardson Current River is visible in behind. Photo taken by Walter Zarowski.

Another view of Alberta Pool 9's workhouse demolition, taken from the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 4A dock. The Georgios A sits in the slip while demolition is in progress. Photo taken by Walter Zarowski.

A close up view of Alberta Pool 9's workhouse being demolished with a wrecking ball. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 4A's workhouse visible to the left.

A full view of Alberta Pool 9 taken from the frozen slip.