Saskatchewan Pool 4B
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Pool 4B's workhouse and annex under construction. Galleries connect the new elevator to its neighbour, Pool 4A. Construction for Richardson terminal is visible on the right.

An aerial view of Pool 4B's concrete bins being poured with the slipform technique.

An interior view of one of the floors in Pool 4B's workhouse.

Part of Pool 4B's rope drive system that ran the terminal's machinery.

One of Pool 4B's large conveyor belts. Notice the grain dust accumulation on the machinery before strict dust control measures were implemented in the 1970s.

An interior view of Pool 4B's open-top bins piled high with grain. In the bottom left-hand corner, notice how the space between bins (called the interspace bins) was also used for grain storage.

An interior view of Pool 4B's machinery in the workhouse.

A photo of Pool 4B's distribution floor. Workers would swing the large spouts to match up with one of the small circular hatches on the floor. The small hatches all opened onto different storage bins below.

Pool 4B's workhouse, annex, and carshed under construction. Pool 4A's workhouse is visible on the left, and 4A's annex is visible behind 4B's car shed.

A photo of Pool 4B almost completed; only the upper workhouse is left under construction.

Another angle of the last stages of Pool 4B's construction. In the bottom left corner, boxcars enter Pool 4A's carshed to be unloaded. The completed Richardson terminal is visible in the right-hand background.

A more current photo of Pool 4B, which has an additional annex extending inland. Pool 4A's workhouse and two huge annexes are visible in behind. The pair of terminals are currently sitting abandoned.

The aftermath of a dust explosion at Pool 4B on August 7, 1945. Starting in the basement when a spark ignited grain dust, the explosion travelled through the annex and workhouse. 22 lives were lost and 30 people were severely injured. The terminal had to be totally rebuilt.

An engineering plan for Pool 4A and 4B made by CD Howe Company.

A full view of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 5 (which became 4B) after construction was completed. Photo from the Paterson archives.

Another full view of the newly completed Saskatchewan Pool 5. The photo identifies the structure as a "hospital elevator" for Saskatchewan Co-operative Ltd., as its main function was to clean and rehabilitate incoming damaged grain. Photo from the Paterson archives.

A close up view of an exploded tank on the annex's east side. Photo from the Paterson archives.

A view of the annex's south side after the explosion. Ruptures at the bottom of the right-hand annex tanks are visible, with rubble in between. Photo from the Paterson archives.

A view of the explosion damage at the top of the annex bins. Photo from the Paterson archives.

The conveyor gallery between the annex and workhouse fell over the tracks after the explosion, damaging the boxcars below. Photo from the Paterson archives.

Another view of the fallen conveyor gallery near the car shed after the explosion. Photo from the Paterson archives.

Another view of the explosion damage at the base of the annex bins. Rubble and piles of loose grain fill the space between the annex and workhouse. Photo from the Paterson archives.

Heaps of grain flow out of the damaged annex bins after the explosion travelled through the elevator's basement. Photo from the Paterson archives.

Explosion damage on the west side of the workhouse. Falling concrete debris from the upper floors crushed nearby boxcars. Photo from the Paterson archives.