Manitoba Pool 3 "Reliance"
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A view of Pool 3 (right) and Canada Malting (left) taken looking inland. Unloaded rail cars sit on the rail trestle at Pool 3.

A view of three Intercity terminals. From left to right: Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 7B, Canada Malting, and Manitoba Pool 3. Photo taken from the water.

An interior view of Pool 3's annex floor. Grain moves quickly along the conveyor belts to be stored in bins.

A wide view of Pool 3 in the winter taken from shore.

A full view of Pool 3 with its five free-standing steel storage tanks intact. A ship is docked and loading in its slip. These tanks were totally dismantled when the terminal closed. Canada Malting is visible to the left.

A photo of Pool 3's steel tanks being demolished in the winter after the terminal closed down.

An old photo of the original Reliance Terminal before Manitoba Pool took over and built an outshore annex.

An engineering plan of Pool 3 made by CD Howe Company.