Viterra B "Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 7B"
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A digital rendering of Viterra B, made in July 2019.

A view of Viterra B (left) and Viterra A (right) unloading rail cars. UGG M and Pool 1 are visible to the right.

A view of Viterra A (left) and Viterra B (right) taken from the water.

A long view of Pool 7B taken from the water. Pool 7A stands to the left, and part of Canada Malting is visible to the right.

A front view of Pool 7B taken looking into the slip it shares with Canada Malting on the right. Pool 7A's car shed and the connecting gallery is visible to the left.

An engineering plan of the Stewart Elevator made by CD Howe Company.

A full view of Pool 7B (at this time run by Federal Grain) taken from the land side. Pool 7A is partially visible on the right. Photo from the Paterson archives.

A close up view of rail cars in the car shed at Pool 7B. The conveyor gallery that connected the elevator to Pool 7B is visible above. Photo from the Paterson archives.

A close up view of the truck shed at Pool 7B where trucks could unload. Most incoming grain was carried by rail, but elevators occasionally received incoming grains by truck. Photo from the Paterson archives.