Friends of Grain Elevators

Historic Harbour Front Map

The Canadian Pacific Railway built the first terminal elevator in Thunder Bay in 1883. By 1929, twenty-nine stood along the waterfront, making the Lakehead the world's largest grain port.Today only 18 terminals remain. Of those, 8 still handle grain. These sectional waterfront maps locate the elevators and give basic details including their historic names and photos of the original structures.

South End Elevators

The first Fort William elevator, CPR Elevator A, rose near the mouth of  the Kaministiquia River in 1884, and so began the explosive growth of elevator construction on the FW waterfront. By 1929 when the last elevator opened for business, a total of 17 elevators had been built on the "Kam".

Intercity Elevators

The Intercity waterfront area lies between the former twin cities of Port Arthur and Fort William. Planning for the first elevator in this area began in 1909. With the exception of the Dominion of Canada elevator, these elevators were built by private companies. The massive Saskatchewan Wheat Pool #7, was the last to be built in this area (1928).

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North End Elevators

The former city of Port Arthur was the site of Thunder Bay's first terminal elevator built in 1883 and located just north of the modern-day Prince Arthur's landing. There was no new construction on this part of the waterfront until the Canadian Northern Railway built its competing elevator in 1902. Elevator development in the Current River area started in the late 1910's. The United Grain Growers terminal at the mouth of the Current River was the last built (1927).

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